The CHEE 101 (Introduction to Chemical Engineering) class this Fall semester is participating in the nationwide chal
Visit to Sasol and Job Opportunities
Sun, 02/22/2015 - 6:30pm
Students from the Chemical Engineering Department of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette visited Sasol North America Inc on October 17, 2014. Engineers offered a tour of the facility and described current operations. Mr. Michael Kane, Vice President of Technical Services, described to the students the planned Sasol expansion related to an ethane cracker and gas to liquids operations. In connection to this expansion, Sasol expects to hire over 100 engineers, mostly chemical and mechanical engineers. They are currently in the process of establishing summer internships, and co-ops for the Summer and Fall 2015. These are excellent opportunities for sophomore, junior, and senior students interested in obtaining real world chemical engineering experience in a chemical process industry that contributes essential raw materials to produce numerous consumer products.