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When seeing an advisor, the student is expected to prepare a proposed schedule. The student’s assigned advisor obtains the student’s folder from the departmental files to assist in the advising process. The administrative assistant has usually entered the most recent semester grades and has updated the student’s curriculum sheet. The faculty member may also request this information to be entered into the student’s record prior to advising.  At that point, the student and advisor begin discussing the preferred courses for the upcoming semester. The advisor makes suggestions of substitute or additional courses.  Pre-requisites are checked before the advisor signs the advising form. The student signs the form indicating that he/she concurs with the proposed schedule.

In general, the process takes about 20-30 minutes and is concluded by the advisor lifting the student’s hold through the University Link (ULINK) online portal. Registration is performed online through ULink. If courses are filled, the alternate courses suggested by the advisor are then selected.
During the advising session, the student is encouraged to ask any questions that they might have about the major, they are told about department scholarship opportunities and about the current employment opportunities in the major. This meeting generally provides an excellent time for faculty-student interaction concerning discussions relating to career goals and how their developing education experiences are preparing them for their career goals.

The students are formally advised twice a year. During the fall semester, the students are advised for the spring semester and summer session.  Then in the spring semester they are advised for the fall semester.  Students are divided among faculty members with the department head advising the seniors.

Will My Credits Transfer? Please visit the Registrars Office tansfer credits webpage for more information.